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Q: Is Isis a satanic symbol
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Why was a throne a symbol of Isis?

A throne is the symbol of Isis because she wore it as her headdress and as a crown to.

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Does Isis have a symbol?

The "Knot of Isis". See below for image.

Is the 6 point star satanic?

Every symbol man came up with for satanic rituals can be considered satanic. But the main idea is that symbols are just symbols and the symbol itself is not satanic unless and until someone uses it for a satanic ritual and evil purpose!

Is cena satanic worshipper?

yes he is he throws up the satanic hand symbol with means three 6s

What does the symbol V mean?

when doing the V symbol with your hand some say it is a satanic symbol of the horns

What is the symbol from slipknot satanic?

Slipknot use the pentagram with is seen as a satanic symbol.. they have also used the goat on the cover of the Iowa album.. they are wrongly acused of being satanists..

Is Breaking Benjamin's symbol satanic?

no if u look at it it's the letter B flipped around. not satanic. just benjamanic

Is a circle with an x through it a satnic symbol?

No, a circle with an x through it is not a satanic symbol. It is a common symbol used to indicate that something is prohibited or not allowed. Satanic symbols typically involve pentagrams, inverted crosses, or other imagery associated with Satanism.

Are there satanic symbols on playing cards?

Some people say that a naked woman is a Satanic symbol because it invokes lust. I guess that kinda means some playing cards do have Satanic imagery.

What is a symbol for evil?

A Pentagram- this is a five pointed star often said to be satanic. Satanic Face....(devils face) The star must be pointing to down to symbolize evil. if it is pointed up it is the opposite. it is said to be a symbol to protect from evil

What is the name of the symbol on sadie's necalace in rick riordran's the red pyramid?

the knot of Isis