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Egypt is a high context culture which means that a lot what is communicated is more indirect with tone of voice, facial expression, body language, eye contact, and embellished words or phrases. Relationships are slowly built on trust and the pace of business is much slower than in low-context western cultures such as the U.S.

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The Destruction of Egypt at the end of the Bronze Age coincides with Exodus, the destruction is caused by the natural miracle of fighting too many wars at once. The Canaanites rebelled against Egypt at the same time Libya and the surrounding countries began uprising.

During the Iron Age the tribes of Judah and the rest of the Caanites grew mighty and powerful, creating great works of philosophy and grandeur(See Solomon), but like all cultures infighting and greed weakened the tribes and soon the Persians invaded. I left out the Babylonian captivity because archeology is trying to find a metaphor, for confusion(be very careful when looking for facts in the Bible).

Greece conquers Persia, they bring with them a philosophy of sound reason and platonic thought based on the Socratic method, then the tribes of Judah(Israel) rebelled along with Alexanders insane quest to stretch his Empire from the Atlantic to Pacific, including Both poles, internal problems (perhaps caused by powerful Jewish Doctrine and influence?), caused Greece to fall, horribly, and Rome to rise in her ashes.

Now on to the Roman Captivity, there is something to be said for loyalty to your countrymen or your state, and with that in mind, the land of Judah may have been forgotten by its people to serve Caeser, the issue of Jesus Christ, or in historical terms a powerful social movement of peace and brotherhood amidst a time where corruption and greed once again reigned supreme.

It was at this time that Israel and Christianty became two meanings, though the term Christ used indicates Israel is a state of salvation, or enlightenment that can only be gained through the restriction of current corrupt doctrine.

As for the geographic history of Israel, this misconception led to the Roman Empire become Christianized, then run away to Constantinople, then they ran back home where some of the northen goths liked the climate and Christianity so they stayed. The Roman Church cleaned up during the dark ages, as they became the only guiding light through a time of uncertainity. By using Nicolantian Christianity and Rome as the HeadQuarters, the Roman Church(along with Israel) easily convinced all who succumbed to rage, and free the holy land(Israel) from the Ottoman Empire.

The Crusades would be a devastating defeat to humanity, as the inability to read prepared our troops for the battle. The Holy Cities such as Antioch were easily captured, but the intese heat and lack of foreign intelligence gave the Catholic Church a lot of land, and power(Read about the Childrens Crusade), to which we now have some sort of Christian hazy ideology around a country that has been the constant in every single major downfall of European History.

Eventually as money, trade, and philosophy wafted towards Spain, then France, than England, all of those countried were devout "Christian" and therefore sided with the Church's view of Israel in the hands of Muslim invaders (the inquisition, Salem with trials). Actually, recent evidence now states that during the dark ages a lot of towns were Jewish, infact the Mohammadism being practiced at the time was a pay or convert sort of thing. Back to the crusades whenever Europe gets involved in a war, they have to make marks, in fact their involvement helped destabalize the nations and reduce them from one of the most mathematical and scietific nations, to what it is today.

Like an ill wind (Humanity and Sociology agrees that nations collapse because the ruling class no longer supports ethical doctrine), Spain would Fall the England, and England split between America and France. America keeps Israel in the trade, and France, well this is not about France.

Later on a strange series of events would land Israel in the spotlight, the first event being that World War I was found out to be a family feud (royalty always loses), this signicantly weakend Monarachies and Hereditary rule, as Communism and Facism grew at the same time the world was in a massive debt. A few people were trying to corner the banking system so they could implement the Federal Reserve.

Going back to Israel, the Federal Reserve allowed for the creation of the Military Industrial Complex , what this did was create a runaway market for nonstop inflation and a corporate takeover of American Politics. We were rich after World War 2(Having just created our own currency), but we could only continue this trend if a nonstop commenced. What this did was allowing banking and military interest in the creation of Israel as a nation so that it could provide America with intelligence and UN sanctioned assassins.

In ten short years they paid off as Israel defeats Egpyt and Palestine so badly they begin marching towards Egypt. This was 1967 and expand their country much more than UN gave them. Later on the land was traded back for peace treaties, but still to this day we always attribute the enemy as some Godless Heathen and not as human beings.

Israel is one of the highest contextual and influential cultures this world has ever seen in recorded history. It's inability to remain as a kingmaker and not a king seater should be studied, but now rigid docrtine won't allow historical truth to clear away some of the cobwebs. Churches and their voting constituants use the Middle East as some sort of gateway to fear and terror.

Use the history of one country to help guide the future of another.

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