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A swollen prostrate blocks the passage of urine during urination and hence, the bladder is not emptied completely and could lead to continuous urine leakage or when there is a sudden movement or coughing or laughing.

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Q: Is It Normal that My Father Has A Swollen Prostrate And Since Then Faces Leakage When He Coughs?
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How do you convince your dad that your ankle is sprained?

If your ankle is swollen slightly then you should not have to convince your father that you have sprained your ankle. Put hot and cold cloths on it to bring the swelling down and a tensor bandage (not too tight) that you can buy at the drug store. Meanwhile talk to your mother or an aunt to have the ankle looked at in case you have a hairline fracture.

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Man's father = My father's son. My father's son = me. That man's father = me. I am the father of my son.

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Your father's father is your grandfather.

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his father is you - you are his father