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Q: Is Joint protection and weight control two options available in the treatment of osteoarthritis?
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Light treatment seems to be the most effective treatment for psoriasis. It's very hard to control once your body is covered in it. There are also medications available to help with the itching.

Is Rhus toxicodendron effective in treating osteoarthritis What is effective in treating osteo arthritis?

To date there is no cure for osteoarthritis there are only treatments to control inflammation when it happens, pain and exercises to take the strain of the effected joints, In some cases surgery may be necessary to cause joints to work better or to replace them altogether with prosthesis.Rhus toxicondron is a homeopathic treatment based on poison ivy and there seem to be no definitive test results available on its effectiveness. this does not necessary mean it does not work however but if it did I feel word would spread rapidly.

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What is the statement of no difference experimental treatment?

control treatment

A device with a overload protection used to control a motor is a?

A device with an overload protection used to control a motor is an Overload Relay.

Does a control group receive experimental treatment?

No, a control group does not receive the experimental treatment. It is used as a baseline to compare the effects of the treatment or intervention being tested in the experimental group.

Why is a control arm necessary in a clinical trial?

It's not control arm, just control, meaning a control set or group. The control group are individuals that are not given the treatment. If this control group are conscious and can apprehend, every effort is made to make them think they are getting the treatment though they aren't. The reason for the control group is to be able to compare the individuals who have had the treatment (called the experimental group) with others that are in all ways the same except for the treatment and thus see/measure what difference the treatment makes.

What is the difference between a treatment group and a control group?

A treatment group receives the intervention or treatment being studied, while a control group does not receive the intervention and is used for comparison. The control group allows researchers to isolate the effect of the treatment by providing a baseline for comparison.

What is the first aid treatment to someone who has been poisoned?

It depends on what they were poisoned with. Different substances require different treatment. In general though, don't make them vomit and get them to the hospital as quickly as possible. If you have a phone available, call the poison control center-they will be able to give you first aid treatment advice.

What is the difference between a control variable and a control treatment?

A control variable is a factor that is held constant in an experiment to prevent it from influencing the outcome. A control treatment, on the other hand, is a specific group or condition in an experiment that receives no experimental manipulation and is used as a baseline for comparison with the treatment groups.