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It is one of the outer planets, it is not in the asteroid belt it is the first one beyond it.

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Q: Is Jupiter one of the outer planets located in the asteroid belt?
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Where is Jupiter located in the inner or outer of the solar system?

Jupiter is the first of the outer planets. The asteroid belt separates the inner and outer planets.

Is Jupiter know for the outer or inner for the asteroid?

Jupiter is an outer planet, also called a Gas Giant. The Main Asteroid Belt divides the inner planets from the outer planets.

What are the five outer planets in order starting from the asteroid belt?

The first four planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - are located before the asteroid belt. The remaining four planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - are located afterthe asteroid belt. Thus, the asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets.

Saparetes the inner planets from the outer planets?

The asteroid belt -- Between Mars and Jupiter.

The inner planets and outer planets are separated by?

an Asteroid field between mars and Jupiter

What separtes the inner planets from the outer planets?

The asteroid belt -- Between Mars and Jupiter.

What are the outter planets?

Inner planets are closer to the sun than the outer planets. Inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer planets are Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter (and maybe Pluto. The inner and outer planets are separated by a large distance and an asteroid belt. The inner planets are "rocky" the outer planets are gaseous (with the exception of Pluto.

Is Jupiter andsaturna innner planet?

No. Jupiter and Saturn are both outer planets. The boundary between "inner" and "outer" is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Why Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune outer planets?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are considered as outer planets because they lie between the asteroid belt and the throughout space.

Does the asteroid belt separate the inner and outer planets?

Well, the Asteroid Belt is between Mars and Jupiter and Mars is the last inner planet also the 4th planet from the Sun. Jupiter is the 1st outer planet and 5th planet closest to the Sun. So, yes the asteroid belt separates inner planets and outer planets.

What object in the solar system separates the outer planets from the inner planets?

it is the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter . the asteroid belt is formed by asteroids .

What separates the inner and outer most planets?

The Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter