

Is LimeWire really bad for your computer?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Limewire is bad for your computer, yes. Think about it. You have a million people posting what they want to. So many people have viruses they don't even know about, and BAM they give it directly to you. Your computer is way slower and it could crash. It's happened before, it's bound to happen again.

Another thing about limewire is that you are technically stealing from the artist. Yeah, it's only 99 cents, but when you have millions of songs downloaded every day, that number increasing by the minute, it's going to have an impact. When the artists "sell" no music because nobody buys it like they're supposed to, it's pretty hard for that artist to make another album. Our music industry will go DOWN if this continues. Music will be a cheap business. Downloading music is theft and abuse of the artist. Whether they say limewire's legal or not, you're still not paying for you entertainment. You wouldn't steal something from a store. It's the same. Just because you probably won't get in trouble doesn't mean you should do it. It'll be pretty miserable when there's no good music being made simply because people love the music enough to steal it. We're bringing on a catastrophe.

I hope that answers your question. In short, limewire is stealing, and yes, it does wreck your computer. Just pay for your music. It won't kill you.

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Is LimeWire bad for your computer?

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limewire is bad for your computer, it gives you viruses. i would suggest not using it

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No. LimeWire is a program that downloads stuff. If you want a song on LimeWire, just download it.

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no not all. only ones that carry viruses like limewire.

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this may sound bad but you have to insatll it completly, then go int your ad and remove files and delete it. from what i heard limewire basic is the way to go, just you have to shut it down when you are no using it.

Will LimeWire work if i don't have windows on my computer?

You will need some operating system on your computer to run LimeWire. LimeWire is available for Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD as well as Windows.

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No. It is the viruses you download with the songs using LimeWire that slow your computer down.