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Q: Is Loki Dead Pool's father
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Related questions

How is Loki related to Odin?

They are blood-brothers Which makes Loki Thor's god-father

Who were loki's parents?

His father was odin and i am not sure about his mother.

Who is The daughter of Loki and glut?

In Norse mythology, the daughter of Loki and Angrboða is Hel. She is the ruler of the realm of the dead also known as Helheim.

Who were Loki's perents?

Mother was Laufey, father was Fárbauti. Both are Jotuns.

In Norse Mythology who was the god who killed Loki?

In Norse Mythology, it was Víðarr who ultimately killed Loki during Ragnarok. Víðarr avenged the death of his father, Odin, by slaying Loki with his bare hands.

Who were loki's wives?

In Norse mythology, Loki's wives were Sigyn and Angrboða. Sigyn was known for her loyalty to Loki, while Angrboða was a giantess with whom Loki had three children: the wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jörmungandr, and the half-dead, half-alive being Hel.

Who is Loki's father?

The frost giant put as you can see when in Thor movie loki kill him cause the frost giant was going to kill odin in odins sleep

Who is Loki Defriece?

Loki Defriece is the Norse god of lies and father of Hel, Fenrir, Jörmungandr. He is also a shapeshifter and changes from a god, to a salmon, to a mare with ease.

Who is lokis dad?

In the Marvel Universe, Loki's birth father is Laufey, king of the frost giants. When Odin slays the giants, he takes Loki in as his own son rather than allowing the baby Loki to die. In Norse mythology, Laufey is actually the name of his mother and his father's name is Farbauti.

Is Loki misunderstood?

yes i think so because odin always listened to thor but never loki and loki never believed odin loved him im not saying its right what he did im just saying i see the bigger picture loki is like a littl boy trying despretely to to please his father

Who is the goddess of the dead in Morse mythology?

Hel was the daughter of Loki and she lived in the realm of the dead, she wasn't much of a goddess though. She was more of a queen or a caretaker for the dead.

What is Johnny Depp's childrens name?

Loki and Thor. they love and adore their movie star father.