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Q: Is Loss or absence of menstrual periods a sign of anorexia nervosa?
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Loss or absence of menstrual periods a sign for anorexia nervosa?

This could be anorexia or anemia from lack of iron.

What is the names the name of the condition characterized by disordered eating lack of menstrual periods and osteoporosis?

Anorexia nervosa can result in lack of menstrual periods and eventually osteoporosis.

What are the symtotoms of anorexia nervosa?

An undernourished body stops producing sex hormone, so breasts diminish, no menstrual periods, and no sex drive.

What does anorexia nervous a mean?

Anorexia nervosa is a highly complicated eating disorder in which on restrains from eating for long periods of time resulting in malnourishment, hospitalization, or death.

What is anorexia norversa?

Anorexia Nervosa is a highly complicated eating disorder in which one restrains from eating for long periods of time resulting in malnourishment, hospitalization, or death.

What is the medical term that describes that abnormal absence of menstrual periods?


If you don't have your period what could you have done?

Every case is different. Anorexia Nervosa stops producing sex hormones, so you stop getting menstrual periods. You could also have an underlying problem inside your body your doctor might be able to help you with.

An abnormal absence of menstrual periods for 3 or more months is known as?


What is the abnormal absence of menstrual periods for three or more months?

Secondary Amenorrhea

Is Dysmenorrhea the absence of menstrual periods?

No. Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation, typically involving abdominal cramps. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation.

What conditions can result from bulimia nervosa?

Depression or mood swings; irregular menstrual periods; onset of dental problems, swollen cheeks or glands, heartburn or bloating.

The Normal stopping of the monthly menstrual periods?

Amenorrhea is the word used for the absence or the abnormal stopping of menses. A female must miss three periods in a row for it to be considered amenorrhea.