

Is Lucas Arts making a Star Wars Battlefront 3?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes it is in alpha right now according to IGN

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Q: Is Lucas Arts making a Star Wars Battlefront 3?
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What company is making Star Wars battlefront 3?

lucus arts and Microsoft

How many Star Wars Battlefront games will they make?

So far, there are 3, but Lucas arts is designing a fourth. The third is for the PSP platform, and goes by the name, "Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron".

Who is working on Star Wars battlefront 3?

Lucas Arts for sure, since their are the owner and publisher. However, rumors have been flying about as to what other companies were involved.

Who is making Star Wars battlefront 3?

Star Wars Battlefront [DICE] A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 3 is being made by DICE who are the creaters of the Battlefield franchise.

Is there going to be a Star Wars Battlefront 903657443?

george lucas will probably be dead so no

When does star war battlefront elite squadron come out?

on play dot com it says that it comes out on 20th of november

Who is the creator of Star Wars Battlefront elite squadron?

George Lucas and his company known as LucasArts

Why on earth they are making Star Wars battlefront on the ds?

Cause whoever is I charge of battlefront is a retard.

Is Star Wars battlefront 3 the same as Star Wars elite squadron?

Well, yes and no. Star Wars Battlefront will have four incarnations, 1, 2, Rogue Squadron, and Elite Squadron. There technically is no "Battlefront 3", because Rogue Squadron and Elite Squadron are not for the major gaming consoles (as in unportable) and therefore Lucas arts does not consider them as Battlefront 3, merely side projects or expansions if you will. That guy has it mostly right, but "Battlefront 3", the would be Lucasarts project, in some of the "leaked" footage you can find on youtube, looks alot like Elite Squadron gamplay on steroids.

Is Star Wars BattleFront 2 the newiest Star Wars BattleFront?

They just came out with the Battlefront Elite

How do you get Star Wars battlefront 2 expansion pack for PC?

I am aware of a 1.1 version available for down load on the Lucas Arts Official website: And if you're still not satisfied, just type in Star Wars Battlefront II Mods on google and see what you find. There's alot of modifications done by players of the game who wanted to share their need for "a little more."

What is a games similer Star Wars Battlefront?

Star Wars Battlefront 2