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Yes Malachi is the old Testaments last prophet, it is also the last book in the Old Testament.

From Brother Terrell: Actually John the Baptist is the last old testament prophet. He is mentioned in the New Testament but the New Testament wasn't really produced until Jesus accomplished the will of God on the Cross, and then through resurrection the New Testament (covenant) came to be.

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Q: Is Malachi the last Old Testament prophet?
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No, Malachi is the last book of the old testament

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Who was the last prophet in the Old Testament?

A:The last book of the Old Testament is the Book of Malachi. However, there was no person called Malachi, because the word 'Malachi' actually means 'messenger' and is based on a word used in the text, so its author was anonymous. Chronologically, the last book of the Old Testament was the Book of Daniel. This was also written anonymously, approximately 167 BCE.

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Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament.

Who was the last prophet before 400 years of silence?

The 400 years of silence is a specific term referring to the lack of prophecy in Christianity between the closing of the Old Testament and the Arrival of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. The last prophet chronologically in the Old Testament was Malachi.

When was the Old Testament concluded?

The book of Malachi is the last book in the Hebrew scriptures, or the "old testament". Malachi was completed in the year 443 B.C.E.

What was the last book in the Old Testament called?

In the King James version the last book in the Old Testament is Malachi

What Old Testament book was written last?

i believe the answer is Malachi

What is the last book in the protestant Old Testament?

"Malachi" is the last Book in the Bible's Old Testament a/k/a the Jewish Tanakh.