

Is Mary a god

Updated: 4/27/2024
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15y ago

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No, Mary is not a god nor has she ever been viewed as a god by Christians or the Christian church. The concept that Mary was a god can be traced back to an error within the Qur'an. Muhammad falsely believed that the Christian Trinity consisted of God the Father, Jesus the Son and Mary the Mother. However, this is not what the Trinity ever was. It was merely Muhammad's (and others) lack of knowledge and misunderstanding surfacing when constructing the Qur'an. See Sura 5:116, ""O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to mankind:'Worship me and my mother as two deitiesapart from God?'" mary was a usefull vessel for jesus to be born into this world she is a bless mother but human like us all.

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1mo ago

No, Mary is not considered a god in Christian theology. She is revered as the mother of Jesus and an important figure in Christianity, particularly in Catholicism.

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