

Is Mercury a solution

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I dont know can somebody answer this question please

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Q: Is Mercury a solution
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What will happen when you add iron fillings to a solution of mercuric nitrate?

Drops of liquid metallic mercury will form and drop to the bottom of the solution: Iron is higher in the electromotive series than mercury and will therefore displace mercury from compounds of mercury, the iron being changed to cations that replace as many of the mercury cations in the solution as is stoichiometrically possible, based on the amount of iron added to the solution and the amount of mercuric nitrate originally present.

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Assume that a solution forms the product mercury (I) acetate. The product formed is _______.

What is the name of the solution that can conduct electricity?

how about water, or Mercury as used in thermometers. both conductive.

Is an amalgrams a solution?

Amalgams are solid alloys of mercury, mixtures.

What are example of Solid liquid solution?

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Is Mercury a solution colloid or suspension?

Mercury is an element; its symbol is Hg. You can find it on the Periodic Table of Elements in the transition state section.

Is mercury 2 sulfide ionic?

It is molecular in solution and in the solid at normal pressure. The molecule is linear in solution but slightly distorted in the solid.

Can mercury be used as electrolyte?

No, electrolytes are those substances which produce ions in solution or in molten form, Mercury is a pure liquid metal and conduct the electricity.

Will astronauts go to Mercury?

not right now they have to find a solution to deal with heat radiation

If a thermometer breaks and the mercury goes in your pool is it dangerous?

Modern thermometers don't use mercury, they use a colored alcohol solution... and yes it would be dangerous.

What is solute and solvent of amalgam?

Amalgam is not a solution, it is an alloy of Mercury and silver. Depending on the amount of mercury present in the alloy, amalgam is solid or liquid at room temperature.

The solution has a freezing point of -2.79 . The freezing point depression constant for water is 1.86 K m-1. What is the nitrate concentration in the solution?

The solution has a freezing point of 2.79 and this is the frezzing point of mercury