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of course he was! modern today humans deny all of the old stories existence, like those with magic blades and magical kingdoms, but in reality they are so real that are minds cannot grasp the reality of it.

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8y ago

maybe both he was a wizard but his religion is unknown he was fictional but fact based like Dracula

Merlin was a legendary figure known as the Arthurian wizard legend. The character first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, written around. 1136, much later than than Arthur and Merlin were supposed to have lived and is based on an amalgamation of a few previous historical and legendary figures. Geoffrey combined existing stories of Myrddin Wyllt (Roman name version is Merlinus Caledonensis). The name is of Welsh origin and its felt that if it was based on this man then he would have been of Druid faith and origins.

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8y ago

Merlin was the fictional advisor of King Arthur. Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote about a character he made out of the prophet Myrddin Wyllt, and the Romano-British war leader, Ambrosius Aurelianus. This character was said to have a devil for a father.

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14y ago

No, do not think it is true even though it looks true. :)

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12y ago

No, it is a myth

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