

Is NH4OH is alkali

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Is NH4OH is alkali
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Is NH3 an acid in water?

No, it isn't, NH3 in water is NH3.H2O or NH4OH, it is an alkali, not an acid.

What pH is a weak alkali?

Strong Acid ; pH = 1-3 Weak acid ; pH = 4-6 Neutral ; pH 7 Weak alkali ; pH = 8 -10 ( The answer) Strong Alkali ; pH = 11- 14

What are the three weak alkali?

Lithium, Sodium and Potassium are the 'weaker' alkali metals. Rubidium, Caesium and Francium are the most volatile. Francium is only found in micron-grams and is highly radioactive.

Formulla of ammonium hydroxide?


How many moles of ammomium hydroxide are present in 0.475 g?

(0.475 g NH4OH / 1) * (1 mol NH4OH / 35.04 g NH4OH) = 0.0136 mol NH4OH.

What is NH4OH stand for?

NH4OH stands for its chemical name, Ammonium hydroxide.

What is the equation for the solution in water NH4OH?

NH4OH < == > NH3 + H2O, it is a weak base

Description of ammonia?

NH3 Is a gas. it belongs to the halogen family on the periodic table. it is called an alkali gas because it neutralises acids. The ammonia you use in the home is ammonia gas combined with water...NH3 + H2O = NH4OH.

Chemical name for nh4oh?

The chemical name for NH4OH is ammonium hydroxide. This is also referred to as ammonia solution and is a solution comprised of ammonia in water.

What does NH4OH decompose into?

NH4NO3 > H2O + N2O This isn't balanced.

What is the name for NH4OH?

Ammonium Hydroxide

How prepare 6N ammonium hydroxide?

6N ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) is the same as 6 M NH4OH. The molar mass of NH4OH is 35 g/mole. Dissolve 6 x 35 g = 210 g NH4OH in enough H2O to make 1 liter of solution.