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Q: Is Nazism and Communism are examples of Totalitarian governments?
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When did Adolph Hitler become totalitarian?

Hitler became a totalitarian when he took over Germany in 1934. He destroy Communism within Germany and created his own political party known as Nazism. (Nazi) He supports nationalism extremely and militarism.

Why did nazism interest and appeal to some German in the 1920's and 1930s?

Because Nazism promised to stop the economic depression that was caused by the Weimar Republic that was in control of Germany at the time. And because many Germans were against Communism, and found the militaristic totalitarian Nazism appealing in contrast to it's rival political parties.

Is this correct After World War 1 two major political contenders were present in Germany Nazism and Communism?

After World War I, two major political contenders were present in Germany: Nazism and Communism.

Was Nazism actually a form of fascism?

Yes, National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism are both forms of the catch-all term, Fascism.

What are the characteristics of nazism?

Characteristics of Nazism include totalitarianism, anti-communism, patriotism, statism, and collectivism. Nazism is based on ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious attributes.

What was a result of the provisions of this document About allied governments?

Resentments about these provisions contributed to the growth of Nazism in Germany.

Who claimed that Nazism was the result of humanism?

French philosopher Julien Benda argued that Nazism was a result of humanism in his book "The Treason of the Intellectuals." Benda believed that intellectuals had forsaken their duty to uphold universal values in favor of pursuing narrow political ideologies, leading to the rise of totalitarian regimes like Nazism.

Is Scotch Run by sadistic Commie Nazis?

Communism and Nazism are anathema to each other in that Nazism focused of nationalism and national identity, whereas Communism was intended to be an egalitarian system, in which such distinctions are nonexistent or irrelevant (at least, in theory). For someone to proclaim themselves to be both would be utterly anachronistic.

What extreme was an Nazism?

Socialism. And Communism is the most extreme version of Socialism.

What did the ideologies of Nazism and Communism have in common?

Communist ideology and Nazism shared a common goal but for different reasons. For Nazism, the world view was to create and establish the Nazi Party and Germany as the dominant force in the world. There were no illusions of inclusion unless it was beneficial to the Nazi's world goals.One the other hand, taken at its face value, communist ideology was to create a socialist world enforced by power. And, to make this better received, the idea of no governments and no classes appealed to whom they considered to be the masses.

What as the message of nazism?

The same as communism. The belief in collectivism as opposed to individualism. Dictatorship, benevolent or otherwise is still oppressive.

What government did Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy have?

The Italians and the Nazis had a Fascist government or dictatorship,the Italians are fascistthe Germans are another type of fascist only it is called nazism because they are rascistK.O. Jones