

Is Ned Kelly a convict

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Ned Kelly was not a convict. He was a bushranger, and he was born a free person in Australia.

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Q: Is Ned Kelly a convict
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How did Ned Kelly end up in Australia?

Ned Kelly was born in Australia. He was born in December 1854 in Beveridge, Victoria.It was Ned Kelly's father who came to Australia as a convict.

Who are the most famous convicts in Australia?

Ned Kelly. Ned Kelly was not a convict. Francis Greenway was a convict who had been an architect. When released, he returned to architecture, designing many of Sydney's early buildings.

Was Ned Kelly aboriginal?

ned kelly was not Irish he was infact born in Victoria Australia, but he did have Irish ansestory as his father was an Irish convict.

What was Ned Kelly's full name?

Ned kelly full name is: Edward Kelly!

Was Ned Kelly the first bushranger?

Nope, Bushrangers existed over 100 years before Ned Kelly. The first bushranger was a man named John Caesar who was a West Indian Negro convict who escaped the early colonies in the 1790s.

Is Ned Kelly's real name Edward Ned Kelly?

Ned Kelly's proper name was "Edward Kelly".

What is Ned Kelly's characteristics?

NED KELLY WAS A bushranger

Who were famous convicts?

Given that there was a total of around 160,000 convicts transported to Australia between 1788 and 1868, it is impossible to list all of their names. The related link below provides a list of searchable databases for convicts who were transported.

Who was Ned Kelly's bushranger brother?

Ned Kelly's brother Dan was in the Kelly gang.

What was ned KELLY mothers name?

Ned Kelly's mother's name was Ellen Kelly. Ellen's maiden name was Quinn.

Is Dan ned kelly's brother younger than ned kelly or older?

yes dan was older than ned kelly

What are some famous quotes by ned kelly?

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