

Is Nuclear bomb is a chain reaction?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is Nuclear bomb is a chain reaction?
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Does the explosion in a nuclear bomb count as a rapid chemical reaction?

No, a nuclear bomb involves a nuclear chain-reaction.A chemical reaction involves the orbiting electrons in an atom.A nuclear reaction involves the nucleus (hence "Nuclear") of an atom.

What is the difference in a nuclear power plant and a nuclear bomb?

A nuclear power plant is designed to generate electricity using controlled nuclear reactions, while a nuclear bomb is designed to release a massive amount of energy in an uncontrolled manner to cause destruction. The reactor in a power plant sustains a controlled chain reaction to produce heat for electricity, whereas a bomb triggers a rapid and uncontrolled chain reaction for explosive power.

Does fusion reaction occur in an atomic bomb?

Yes, fusion reactions occur in a hydrogen bomb, which is a type of nuclear bomb. The high temperatures and pressures generated by the fission reaction in the bomb can trigger fusion reactions between hydrogen isotopes. This fusion reaction releases a large amount of energy, contributing to the destructive power of the bomb.

How to make nuclear bomb-?

To make a nuclear bomb, you need the fissionable material such as a Plutonium239 isotope, an explosive to start the nuclear chain reaction, a detonator, and a pusher.

What does atomic bomb?

An atomic bomb is a bomb that releases a tremendous amount of energy by initiating a nuclear fission chain reaction.

What does atomic bomb mean?

An atomic bomb is a bomb that releases a tremendous amount of energy by initiating a nuclear fission chain reaction.

Minimum mass of material requied for the nuclear chain reaction to occur in a nuclear bomb is called?

The critical mass

What is meant by supercritical and how does it relate to making a nuclear bomb?

Supercritical means having more than the critical mass of a fissionable material gathered together to sustain a chain reaction. In the context of making a nuclear bomb, achieving a supercritical mass of fissile material through implosion or gun-type assembly is necessary to initiate a nuclear explosion.

Is a bomb a nuclear reaction?

No, a bomb is not necessarily a nuclear reaction. A bomb can be any device that is designed to explode and cause destruction, whereas a nuclear reaction involves the splitting or combining of atomic nuclei to release energy. Nuclear bombs, also known as atomic bombs, utilize nuclear reactions to produce a very powerful explosion.

How does atombomb work?

An atomic bomb works by initiating a chain reaction of nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release massive amounts of energy. This energy creates a powerful explosion capable of causing extensive destruction over a wide area. The bomb's design aims to achieve critical mass by bringing together enough fissile material to sustain this chain reaction and generate the explosion.

What type of reaction happens inside a nuclear power plant?

A nuclear chain reaction nuclear fission

What was the idea for the nuclear bomb?

Uncontrolled neutron chain reaction, invented in 1933 by Leo Szilaard, implemented in 1945.