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Q: Is NuvaRing hormone levels lower the the pill?
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What is the contraceptive method that works by changing a woman's hormone levels?

The Pill, the patch, depo-provera, nuva-ring.

What are birth controlled?

They are the hormone pill, like the I Pill and the condom.

Which one gets in your system faster The NuvaRing or the pill?

The Nuva Ring should get into the body quicker than the pill. Both the Nuve Ring and the pill are types of birth control.

Why is your period early and lasting almost 2 weeks while you are taking the pill?

'The pill' works by changing your hormones around. Because it is messing with your hormone levels, you may find that it affects things like your period.

Will going off the pill cause acne?

AnswerI'm not sure if going off the contraceptive pill will 'cause' acne, but I do believe that your differing hormones levels increase the possibilities of acne occurring. Twice I have gone off the pill, and twice I have had acne.. However, I also believe that every woman is different, hormone levels are different at different times of the month, and therefore there are different levels of hormones in each type of pill. So there is no set answer to this question.

Can there be any problems with the baby if you get pregnant right of way after getting off the pill?

No, pregnancy occurs when your hormone levels return to normal allowing ovulation and conception.

When should you put in NuvaRing if you are on the birth control pill?

To change from the birth control pill to NuvaRing, insert the ring during the placebo week or any time before. You will have immediate protection as long as you inserted the ring on or before the day you would have started your next pack of birth control pills.

What are hormone supplements?

Hormone supplements are a pill or treatment to replace or fill in missing hormones in your body.

Can NuvaRing cause discharge?

YES! most definatly. discharge is one reason some women go back to the pill. i have been on nuvaring for 3 months but it hasn't been to bad for me but discharge is completely normal.

How do you make your periods shorter?

Using hormonal birth control - like The Pill, NuvaRing (Ortho Evra), or Mirena (IUD) should make your period shorter and lighter.

What are the best contraceptive pill to take to control hormone imbalance?

The best pill for hormone imbalance depends on the problem. Low estrogen will be helped partially by any pill. Excess testosterone will be helped by any pill. Other problems may require different approaches.

What method of birth control changes a womans hormone level?

All hormonal birth control methods change a woman's hormone levels. These include the combination pill, progestin only pill, contraceptive ring, contraceptive patch, Mirena IUD, contraceptive injection, and contraceptive implant. Non-hormonal methods that do not change a woman's hormone level include Paragard copper IUD, condoms, fertility awareness methods, and spermicide.