

Is Obama Muslim because his last name is?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Obama is actually Christian, and his last name is African-- he inherited his name from his father. But a last name doesn't define what religion a person is. For example, Michelle Obama's cousin, Capers Funnyé is Jewish and a rabbi. But his last name does not sound typically Jewish. These days, you just cannot tell by a person's name, since they might be adopted, or have inherited a unique family name from an ancestor.

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Barack Hussein Obama is his full name so Obama is his last name.

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The last name Obama originated from Kenya, Africa. Which is home to Barack Obama's Father.

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Yes. President Obama's Middle name (Hussein) is a Muslim name, but it is also a very common name in Arabic-speaking countries. He was named after his father, but his father was not at all religious. It was just a family name.

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His middle name, which he inherited from his biological father, is Hussein. Hussein is a very common name in many Muslim communities. While Mr. Obama is not a Muslim, he inherited this ancestral name from his father, Barack Hussein Obama Senior. It is pronounced hoo-SAYN.

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