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it is a little bit of both?

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Q: Is Parenthesis NH4 Parenthesis 2S a covalent bond or ionic bond?
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NH4 + and F - Form the ionic bond, NH4F ------

What type bond is ammonium acetate?

There are two types of bonding in ammonium sulphate. In ammonium ion, ntrogen and hydrogen are bonded by covalent bonds (intermolecular / Van Der Waals forces) as both of the elements are non-metals. Between ammonium and sulphate, both ions, they are joined together by ionic bonds.

Can NH4Br be covalent and ionic bond?

NH4Br, ammonium bromide, is ionic and contains the NH4+ ion and Br- ions. The NH4+ ion contains 4 covalent bonds from N to H.

What type of bond is NH4NO3?

ionic bond as it contain two ion NH4+ and NO3-. NH4+ as it contain covalent bond between N and H. Also in NO3- oxygen bound by one covalent bond and one partial bond to each oxygen.

How covalent bond formed in nh4?

The ammonium ion NH4+ has four covalent bonds.

Is nh3 a ionic or covalent compound?

NH3 is eventually covalent because they are sharing electrons.

Is Nh4Cl a ionic bond or covalent bond?

Its ionic bonding. Because the cation ammonium (NH4) has a single electron in its valence shell, and Chlorine needs a single electron to fill its valence shell, it takes that one, and they stick together.It also consists of covalent bond present in Ammonium ion between Nitrogen and Hydrogen atoms and one co-ordinate bond between one hydrogen and nitrogen.

What is the bond of ammonium ion NH plus 4?

The bond in the ammonium ion (NH4+) is a covalent bond. The nitrogen atom forms covalent bonds with each of the four hydrogen atoms by sharing electrons.

Is NH4Cl an ionic or covelent bond?

Ionic bond of NH4+ and Cl- ions

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[object Object]

Is (NH4)2HPO4 ionic or covalent?

[object Object]

Is NH4Cl a covalent or ionic compound?

Yes. An ionic compound is between a cation and an anion. NH4+ (ammonium) serves as the cation and Cl- (Chloride ion) serves as the anion.You can also think about it this way. NH4 bonds covalently but the nitrogen still has one remaining electron that is not being bonded, this will TRANSFER to the Chlorine; making it an ionic bond.(Ionic bonds show a transfer of electrons whereas covalent bonds are when electrons are being shared.)While it does have covalent bonds in it, yes, it is an ionic compound.