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Q: Is Pellagra results when the diet is too high in protein and niacin?
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What is the cause of primary pellagra?

Primary pellagra results when the diet is extremely deficient in niacin-rich foods.

What was Joseph Goldberger's theory about pellagra?

Joseph Goldberger believed that pellagra was caused by a nutritional deficiency, particularly a lack of niacin in the diet. He conducted studies showing that pellagra could be prevented and treated by adding foods rich in niacin, such as meat and milk, to the diet.

What is the cause of secondary pellagra?

Secondary pellagra occurs when adequate quantities of niacin are present in the diet, but other diseases or conditions interfere with its absorption and/or processing.

What are the 4 D's of pellagra?

The 4 D's of pellagra are dermatitis (skin rash), diarrhea, dementia (mental confusion), and ultimately death if left untreated. Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3) in the diet.

Can pellagra be cured?

Pellegra is associated with a deficiency of the B vitamin -- niacin . To cure it, one would add niacin to their diet. The body can also make niacin from the amino acid (a protein building block), tryptophan. Pellegra is rare unless there is an overall deficiency of food, vitamin and mineral intake including tryptophan and niacin.

What does niacinimide do?

Niacinimide is a B vitamin that we need in our diet to prevent the nutrient dificient disease called pellagra. It is involved in many metabolic pathways including energy production. Niacin can be made from one of the protein building blocks called tryptophan but it is still required in the diet.

What is illness is caused due to the lack of vitamin b3?

"Symptoms of mild deficiency include indigestion, fatigue, canker sores, vomiting, and depression. Severe deficiency can cause a condition known as pellagra. Pellagra is characterized by cracked, scaly skin, dementia, and diarrhea. It is generally treated with a nutritionally balanced diet and niacin supplements. Niacin deficiency also results in burning in the mouth and a swollen, bright red tongue."

What are the symptoms of niacin deficiency?

Niacin, or vitamin B3 occurs in most grains, especially whole grains. Severe deficiency of niacin (which is usually associated with malnutrition, or starvation) causes the disease pellagra. The main symptoms of untreated pellagra are the "4 D's": Diahrrea, dermatitis (red sores or itching), dementia and death. In previous generations, niacin was sometimes called Vitamin PP (for Prevents Pellagra.) The body can create niacin from tryptophan, an amino acid that occurs in milk and meat. People who eat little protein have an increased need for niacin. Many people believe that a mild niacin deficiency slows the metabolism and decreases tolerance to cold. The daily requirement for niacin ranges from 12mg in children to 18 mg in pregnant and nursing women. Niacin defiencies tend to occur only in areas where people eat corn (or maize) instead of wheat, rye or other grains. That's because corn contains niacin in a form the body cannot use. When corn meal or flour is processed with lime, it releases the niacin. One way to prevent a niacin deficiency is to take a daily multi-vitamin and eat a balanced diet including whole grains and poultry, milk, meat, and eggs.

How is pellagra diagnosed?

Diagnosis is based on the patient's symptoms and information about their diet. When this information points to niacin deficiency, replacement is started. There are no chemical tests available.

When the diet contains an adequate amount of protein what amino acid can be used by the body to synthesize niacin?


What did Joseph Goldberger do to provide evidence of the relationship between pellagra and nutrition?

Joseph Goldberger, a physician in the U.S. government's Hygienic Laboratory, the predecessor of the National Institutes of Health, discovered the cause of pellagra and stepped on a number of medical toes when his research experiments showed that diet and not germs (the currently held medical theory) caused the disease.

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