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No, Percocet is a painkiller.

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Q: Is Percocet a depressant
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What is the difference beween Ralivia and Percocet?

Percocet is an actual opiod-based narcotic medication. Both Ralivia and Percocet are used to control moderate to severe pain, but Ralivia is not actually an opiod. It does have opiod-like traits, but the method in how it reduces pain is thought to be through the way it acts by preventing the reuptake of noripinephrine. In fact, Ralivia is a noripinephrine and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and is therefore more of an anti-depressant than a true pain medication. Chemically, Ralivia is almost identical to Effexor (Venlafaxine) in its composition, which is an anti-depressant.

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I am pretty sure that Valium is a depressant.

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Alcohol is a depressant in that it slows (or depresses) bodily functions (breathing, heartbeat, etc.). It does not depress mood.

Can you take percocet and geodon together?

No! Do not mix these two together Geodon slows and depresses the nerves system so mixing together Percocet on top of that which is another nervous system depressant (and yes I know geodon is a anti-psychotic but it also depresses the nerve system) will kill you due to respiratory failure because the nerves will stop sending and receiving signals to breathe.

Is whiskey a depressant?

Whisky contains alcohol and alcohol is a depressant, so yes, whisky is a depressant

Definition for depressant?

a depressant is a drug that slows down your body. a depressant is a drug that slows down your body.

Is alcohol a depressant stimulant narcotic or hallucinogen?

Alcohol is a depressant and only a depresssant.

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Definitely a depressant

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Alcohol is a depressant.