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Q: Is Photosynthesis is the main process by which carbon dioxide moves from the atmosphere to biomass?
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Which process takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?


What process uses carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

The process of photosynthesis. Plants needs water and carbon dioxide to make oxygen and glucose this is called the process of photosynthesis.

what gets absorbed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

The plant absorbs carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis.

When carbon is released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide when you breathe during the process of?


How does the process of photosynthesis affect carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere during a typical year?

Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide as a raw material where carbon dioxide is fixed into organic molecules. This process lowers the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The seasonal fluctuation of carbon dioxide levels during a year may be caused by increased photosynthesis during spring and summer.

Which process does not release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

The photosynthesis of plants. Respiration of any type released carbon dioxide.

What is the process of absorbing energy from the sun and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make food?


How does carbon enter plants from the atmosphere?

As carbon dioxide. Plants convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water to glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen in the chemical process of photosynthesis.

Through the process of photosynthesis plants?

absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store this carbon as sugar.

The process of photosynthesis produces?

Simply put...... energy for the plant to survive.

How does the destruction of forests contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is not absorbed, and oxygen produced, and the carbon (of CO2) cannot form biomass), because there are no trees. Photosynthesis is the process in green plant material (leaf , grass etc.,) where carbon dioxide is absorbed, and oxygen produced into the atmosphere. 'u.v' light(sunlight) is also needed; the process does NOT proceed at night. The carbon of CO2 forms part of the plant's biomass. Trees are particularly efficient at this process, but ALL green plant material (grass , leaves, etc.,) undergoes the process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a heavy gas, and will fall to the ground, hence it will react with plant material, and not move into the upper atmosphere.

How does oxygen enter the atmosphere cellular respiration or photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis produces water and oxygen plus energy. It uses carbon dioxide and water to begin the process.