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I have just been diagnosed with this condition. The dermatologist told me that it would probably not spread to my face. Well, it did. I'm pretty fair skinned and don't go out into the sun so that's most likely the reason.

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Q: Is Pityriasis rosea in the face common and is there a cure?
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Can pityriasis rosea spread to your face?

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What helps the symptoms of pityriasis rosea?

Treatment includes external and internal medications for itching and inflammation. Mild inflammation and itching can be relieved with antihistamine drugs or calamine lotion, zinc oxide, or other mild lubricants or anti-itching creams. Answer2: Avoid very hot showers and baths. When my daughter had this rash the doctor said 2 minute showers. I had to use Aveeno bath, calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream. Keep face, arms and legs covered when out in the sun. Be patient, it will go away.

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How do you know if it is pityriais Alba or vitligo?

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