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Pope Benedict is head of the Catholic Church. However he is also head of all of the other Rites/Churches which are in Union with Rome (The Uniates). So he is head of the following "Churches":

Armenian Catholic Church

Byzantine Catholic Church

Chaldean Catholic Church (East Syrian)

Coptic Catholic Church

Ethiopian Catholic Church

Maronite Church

Melkite Catholic Church

Roman Catholic Church

Romanian Catholic Church

Russian Catholic Church

Ruthenian Catholic Church

Syro-Malabar Catholic Church

Ukrania Catholic Church

West Syrian Catholic Church

Each of these have different "Rites" or ceremonies which are carried out. And they are all under their own separate patriarch(s). The pope is both head and patriarch of the Roman Catholic Church or the Western Rite.

For a list of "Who's Who" and who isn't in union with Rome etc read this:

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10y ago

Jesus Christ is head of the Catholic Church, and has been since He founded it in 33 A.D. At that time, He appointed St. Peter as its first head, established the Office, based on Isaiah 22:15-25, and given by Our Blessed Lord in St. Matthew 16:17-19. Thus Christ is always the head, and Pope Benedict XVI was his Vicar up until 2013 when Pope Francis took over.

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14y ago

Pope Benedict is the visible head of the Catholic Church and the vicar of Christ. Christ is the true head. The pope represents him and makes Church laws on His behalf.

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Ultimately, yes. The pope is the sole head of the Roman Catholic Church, so all Roman Catholic churches throughout the world are under his power.

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The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. There is only one Catholic Church and it is not a sect. To be a Catholic Church, a church must be in union with the pope. If they are not in union with the pope, they are not Catholic.

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