

Is RNA a single strand

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Is RNA a single strand
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Is influenza single strand or double strand RNA?

It is single stranded RNA. Importantly, it is also a segmented genome that allows it to have large genetic diversity.

What is a single strand of rna that loops back on itself?

Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a single strand that loops back on itself.

Is DNA a single strand of nucleotides?

No, DNA, from difference with the RNA, is a double strand of nucleotides. DNA, double strand (hence the double helix nickname). RNA, single strand.

Is DNA or RNA triple stranded?

DNA is generally double stranded and RNA is single stranded.

Is RNA a single strand nucleic acid?


A major difference in RNA as compared to DNA is?

RNA can move and DNA cant. DNA has a double helix strand and RNA is a single strand.

What is a single strand of RNA that has no capsid?

A single stranded RNA virus (ssRNA) is simply a virus containing a single strand of RNA genome, here are some of the families: Picornavirus, Coronavirus, Flavivirus and Togavirus. Note: These are classes/families of viruses

What is an asRNA?

An asRNA is an antisense RNA, a single-stranded RNA which is complemenetary to a messenger RNA strand transcribed within a cell.

What kind strand represent acguugcacgu?

single stranded RNA

Why is RNA needed to create proteins?

RNA is a single-stranded structure that is copied from an unzipped DNA strand identically, this is called transcription. The RNA strand contains the complementary base pairs for the DNA sequence. The DNA strand has sections that code for specific proteins, so when the RNA strand is created from the DNA, the RNA strand is then able to recreate the sequence that codes for the proteins. The RNA strand leaves the nucleus, via a nuclear pore, and enters the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm the RNA strand binds to two Ribosomal subunits, and translation is carried out, producing proteins.

Is transcription the manufacture of a strand of RNA complementary to a strand of DNA?

Yes. The strand of RNA is messenger RNA, mRNA.

Which structural characteristic is seen in RNA but not in DNA?

RNA structures do not consist of self complementary and this is the structural characteristic is seen in RNA but not in DNA.