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No, sometimes it's too close to the Sun (from Earth's perspective, that is) and isn't visible at all.

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Q: Is Saturn always visible in the night sky?
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Is Saturn visible in the night sky?


When Saturn will visible in the sky?

Saturn will become easily visible early in 2009 for several months.

What space probe discovered Saturn?

Saturn is clearly visible in the night sky. It was well known to ancient people, and didn't need a space probe to discover it.

Why is the moon not always visible in the night sky?

The moon is not always visible because the moon has a daily motion of about 25 hours so it will appear in different locations in the sky each day.

Year Saturn was discovered?

Saturn is plainly visible to the naked eye. Anyone who looks up at the night sky at the right time can see it. So there is no definite discovery date.

Where can you see Saturn at night?

In September, 2009 the planet Saturn is on the other side of the Sun, and is too close to the Sun in the sky to be visible. By the second week of October, 2009, Saturn will rise shortly before the Sun does, and may be visible low in the eastern sky just before dawn. As the month goes on, Saturn will rise a few minutes earlier each day.

Was the planet Jupiter discovered next after Saturn?

Jupiter nor Saturn were "discovered". They are visible with the naked eye and thus were known about since humans first looked up into the night sky.

What incredible event occurred in the sky on May 5th 2002?

Five planets, were visible with the naked eye. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Also, Mars, Venus and Saturn formed a near perfect triangle in the night sky

A star that is always visible in the night sky is called what?

starplanetmoonmeteorairplaneartificial satellite

Where can Saturn be seen in the night sky?

depends on where you are

Why do you think scientists are able to predict where in the night sky a planet will visible?

why do scientists aew able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible

Why do you think scientists are able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible?

why do scientists aew able to predict where in the night sky a planet will be visible