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Saturn is outside the Asteroid Belt. It is an "outer planet".

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Q: Is Saturn inner or outer planet because it is located inside or outside the asteroid belt?
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Where is Saturn located inside or outside the asteroid belt?

inner Outside, about twice as far as Jupiter (also outside). The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.

Is Saturn inside or outside the asteroid belt?

Saturn is outside the asteroid belt. It is one of the outer planets rather than the inner planets, and that determination is made by whether they are between the Sun and the Asteroid Belt, or not.The order goes like this:The SunMercuryVenusEarthMars>>> Asteroid Belt

Is the asteroid belt in Saturn a inner or outer?

Saturn lies outside the asteroid belt.

Is Saturn a inner planet or a outer?

Saturn an outer planet because it is outside of the asteroid belt. If it is outside of the asteroid belt, then it is outside planet. Outer planets are also known as Jovian planets or "gas planets."

Is Saturn inside or outside of the asteroied belt?

saturn is outside the asteroid belt

Does Saturn have an inside or outside asteroid belt?


Is Saturn inside or out side the asteroid belt?

it is outside the asteroid belt

What are the outerplantes?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Maybe Pluto. These are called the outerplanets because they are outside the asteroid belt.

Is Saturn located inner or outer of the asteroid belt?


Is Uranus inside or outside the asteroid belt?

The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. As such, the outer planets (or Jovian planets) can be said to be outside the asteroid belt. That is, they are located beyond the belt and are therefore further away from the sun than the belt.

The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of what planets Earth and Mars Jupiter and Saturn Mars and Jupiter Saturn and Uranus?

The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.

Is Saturn Saturn is in the asteroid belt?

Saturn isn't located in the asteroid belt. In the solar system, you have the sun, Mercury, venus, earth, mars, the asteroid belt (separating terrestrial and jovian planets) then jupiter, saturn, uranus, and finally neptune. Pluto is not a planet.