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Sikhism like all the other religions fundamentally depicts a way of life to achieve the goal of spiritual aspect of life.

life is a contest in which a human has to live maintaining his conscience and soul at a high moral level which is liked by GOD. How bad a person may be somewhere in his heart he likes when someone does good, then why not be good.

Listed below are ten basic beliefs of


1. Worship one and one God only.

Acknowledge one creator. Do not

worship demi - gods or idols .

2. Treat everyone equally. Do not show

distinction or rank due to race , class

and or gender .

3. Live by the three primary principles.

Always be absorbed in meditation and

prayer . Make an honest income by

honorable methods . Put aside on

tenth of your income to help others in

the need to assistance.

4. Avoid the five sins of ego . Practice

your daily prayers and meditation to

reduce the effects of ego and prevent

indulgence in :-

- Pride

- Lust

- Greed

- Anger

- Attachment

5. Become a baptized Sikh. Be

spiritually reborn by taking part in the

baptism ceremony conducted by the

" Five Beloved" Sikhs, who prepare and

administer immortalizing nectar to


6. Live by the code of honor. Live

according to specific individual ,

communal , ethical and spiritual

commitments . Abide by the guru' s

teachings . Practice daily worship .

7. Wear the five articles of faith . Wear

the Sikh undergarment for modesty

and health. Wear a wooden comb in

the turban to keep hair clean and

untangled . Wear a steel bangle as a

sign of faith . Keep unshorn hair , to

honor the creator' s intention . Wear a

small sword symbolic of defending the

religious rights of all faiths .

8. Follow the four commandments. Do

not dishonor the creator' s intention by

cutting the hair . Do not harm the body

with tobacco or other intoxicants. Do

not eat sacrificial meat . Do not commit


9. Recite all daily prayers . Repeat the

five morning prayers early morning

everyday. Recite the evening and

bedtime prayers as well .

10 . Take part in fellowship. Worship

together and sing God' s praises. Cook

and eat together . Serve each other and

commit selfless actions.

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