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yes, they just have different names -------------------------------------------------- Lippizaners are known for their stud in Austria, but the breed is of Spanish descent. They are descended from the Andalusian, which is the most well-known of Spanish horses. See the link below for more info.

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Q: Is Spanish lippizan horses the same as purebred Spanish horses?
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A Spanish horse is technically a horse born in Spain, or of Spanish decent. This term is perhaps too general. All Andalusian horses are "Spanish" or Spanish-type horses. This is probably the type of horse history books refer to as "Spanish" brought to the Americas by Heran Cortez. The Andalusian horse is a very old, recognized, breed of horse with characteristics such as an arched neck, short bodies, measuring around 15-17hh. etc. Depending on the context, they may or may not be the same.

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The offspring of many generations that have the same traits?
