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Yes, Lion Heart is stronger than Omnislash.

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Q: Is Squall's lionheart stronger than Clouds Omnislash?
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Where is clouds final limit break in FF7?

Cloud- Omnislash Version 5 (kills Sephiroth), Blade Beam, and Climmhazard Tifa- Uses just about all of them Aerith- Great Gospel (the rain that heals the Geostigma) these are the only characters who actually use "limit breaks" Signed, Phoenix

What can clouds do?

Depends on which version of Cloud you mean (original game or movie). In the game, he can only use the sword to store materia, for magic and other improvements, not to mention hit enemies with it. In the movie, he seems to be able to split it into different swords so that he can do (what seems to be) a more powerful version of Omnislash.

What does squalls mean?

squall |skwôl| noun a sudden violent gust of wind or a localized storm, esp. one bringing rain, snow, or sleet : low clouds and squalls of driving rain. • a loud cry : he emitted a short mournful squall. verb [ intrans. ] (of a baby or small child) cry noisily and continuously : Sarah was squalling in her crib. DERIVATIVES squally adjective ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: probably an alteration of squeal , influenced by bawl .

Can you see stars in the night during rainy season?

Depends on how dense the clouds are. With thin clouds, you'll still see some of the stronger stars. With dense cluds, you won't see a thing.

How do clouds defy gravity?

To say clouds defy gravity would be misleading, as they do not defy gravity. However rising air currents keep the clouds in the air. The air currents are stronger than the rate at which gravity makes the rain fall (which is not that fast). Clouds are so light, that even the smallest upward air current can make a clouds stay up. Rain falling is basically when the mass of the drops exceed the air currents.

What is a stronger percent 2 or 3?

When using hydrogen peroxide or bleach, a 3% solution is 50% stronger than a 2% solution. Be very careful when handling these chemicals, and don't get ammonia in the bleach, or you will release toxic clouds of gas.

Why is radar useful when mapping areas that tend to be covered in clouds?

because a radar is stronger than a map a map can't get you through coulds it can only get you to a place

What determines the speed and direction of clouds?

cloud have no particular direction it move in the direction of wind

When the pressure in hurricane gets lower or higher what does the wind do?

The lower the barometric pressure is in a hurricane, the stronger the wind will be. Hurricanes form over warm ocean water and the lower the pressure is, the more moisture that will be attracted from the water. This warm moisture rises up and forms into clouds and wind, so the more moisture is rising, the stronger the winds will be. If the barometric pressure is high, the moisture can't move up and form clouds and wind.

What are the 8 types of clouds?

There are 8 main types of clouds Cumulus clouds stratus clouds cirrus couds stratocumulus clouds altostratus clouds cirrocumulus clouds altocumulus clouds cumulonimbus clouds

How many cloud are there?

=there are 15 i have counted off of the internet so yeah i have also counted in the sky==here they are:==Cirrus clouds==Cirrostratus clouds==Cirrocumulus clouds==Altostratus clouds==Altocumulus clouds==Stratus clouds==Stratocumulus clouds==Nimbostratus clouds==Cumulus clouds==Cumulonimbus clouds==Mammatus clouds==Lenticular clouds==Fog==Contrails==Green Clouds=

Three types of clouds?

Cumulus clouds, Stratus clouds and Cirrus clouds