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He WAS, he died a couple years ago.

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Q: Is Steve erwin a famous zoologist?
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Names of zoologist?

A zoologist is a person who studies biology in the animal kingdom. Some famous zoologists include Georgina Sweet, Roger Payne, and Steve Irwin.

When did Steve erwin die?

I don't know who Steve Erwin is but if you mean Steve Irwin he died 4 September 2006.

What Steve erwin studied?

Steve Irwin studied animals.

Is Steve erwin still alive?


Where did Steve erwin die?

Steve Erwin was stabbed in the heart by a deadly and massive sting ray!

What is Steve Irwin's occupation?

Steve Irwin was a famous wildlife expert and a television personality. He was known as the Crocodile Hunter. He passed away on September 6, 2006.

Why did Steve erwin die?

Because he was killed.

Who is inspired by Steve Erwin?

Steve Irwin is an inspiration to animal lovers everywhere.

Who classified galaxy as three types?

Steve Erwin

Who is the allagator guy from Animal Planet?

Steve Erwin

Who was Roger Arliner Young and what was he famous for?

She was a zoologist

Is Steve Irwin a zoologist?

He was before he died and he also had a zoo he ran in Australia.