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Strattera is very very good for ADD/ADHD, and is the only ADD drug tested for adults. Additionally, it is the only one that is NOT a controlled substance, so doctors can give free samples, call in prescriptions, etc. Also, since it is nonaddictive and not a stimulant or "speed" pill like all the other ADD drugs, there's no abuse potential and no street value for resale.

I'll say this though, you've got to stick through the first couple of months while your body gets used to it. It's not that disruptive, but it kind of dries you out so you'll get thirsty a lot, and could get some constipation if you don't exercise and/or take some fiber. Just get some Metamucil or Wallmucil - it's good for you anyway. Strattera made my tongue tingle some when it metabolized (about 1.5 hours after taking), but it wasn't painful or anything. I actually liked it because I could tell that help was on the way.

I found that for the first few months, there were days when I would start crying at 2 p.m. It didn't last long, but I know another female who had the same thing on Strattera - just at a different time. IT"S WORTH IT - DON"T STOP TAKING IT!

So that's in the short-term, and none of those things happen now. Here's the long term. I haven't felt hungry since I started taking Strattera more than 3 years ago, so I have to remind myself to eat three times a day. I just eat breakfast and then put on two bracelets. I take one off when I eat lunch, and the same for dinner. So I can tell if I've eaten. But I still went from 180 to 145.

AND, females and their doctors need to know that for whatever reason, starting your period will reduce the dosage's effectiveness for the first day or so. No explanation there, but again, that's what happens with me and with another female I know who takes it. So the doctor gave me a few 18 mg "boosters" and I'll take one the day before I start my period and the other the day I start. Fixes the problem. Strangely, that also keeps me taking my meds, because for that one day, I get a close-up reminder of how things used to be before I took Strattera, and I don't want to go back to that.

How long does it take to work? Started on a Thursday afternoon, could begin telling the difference by Monday. It ramps up over a few weeks. Unlike the other ADD meds, it carries over til morning.

I know it's just for ADD/ADHD, but as someone who got ADD after a Traumatic Brain Injury, for me the best thing was that it fixed the terrible light sensitivity I had (I used to have to wear sunglasses even in the rain), and the mass sleeping I used to do (12 - 16 hours a day), and the depression. Now I'm finishing law school, and I wasn't able to keep any job after I was injured, because of the sleeping and extreme ADD. So, how do I feel about Strattera? You'll get it away from me when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!

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Q: Is Strattera good for add
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Can Strattera be taken for dyslexia?

No medication is effective for dyslexia. Strattera can should only be used for ADD or ADHD.

Does Strattera make you Hungary?

No, Strattera will not make you Hungary. Its a medication for treating ADD, not a pill to turn you into a country. . . Dumb "donkey"

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Strattera is specifically for ADD. I wouldn't take the Welbutrin for the ADD. Right church, wrong pew.

Is Strattera an opioid?

Strattera's a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, used to treat ADD or ADHD... opioids are used mainly for pain relief.

Can Strattera help reduce weigh gain from saphris?

Strattera is usually taken for ADD. It can affect appetite, therefore making u lose weight.

Can a man addicted to meth be tested and prescribed Straterra with positive results?

if the meth addict has add and is self medicating with meth than maybee strattera might help the add but not the meth withdrawl, addreall, vyvance, or dexadrine will help with withdrawl, and the add strattera is one of the only add meds that is not a stimulant. so your add may be fixed, but you may not be awake long enough to find out otherwise quite the meth and the add will go away If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera. If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera.

Is it okay to take Aleve-D when taking Strattera?

I did it's all good

Is it safe to mix Strattera and dxm based cough medicines?

Yes, although dxm will linger in your system longer because your body won't be able to metabolize the dxm as good as without Strattera.

Does Strattera cause a rash?

What type of rash does strattera cause

How long does it take Strattera to get out of the system?

Strattera (atomoxetine) has a half-life of three to four days. This means it has a steady state of about 15 days. This is about normal for most drugs. As far as how long it treats ADD/ADHD symptoms, it seems to last about six hours. Strattera affects hyperactivity and impulse control by reining it in by treating chemicals in the brain and nerves that cause those conditions.

Does Strattera contain morphine?

No, it does not contain any opiates. To put it bluntly, Strattera has no real value as a recreational drug, nor is it terribly effective for it's intended purpose. Most ADD/ADHD treatments, such as Adderall, contain dopamine reuptake inhibitors which can produce a speedy high. However, Strattera does not contain DRIs, as it is an alternative to stimulant based treatment forms.

Is Strattera covered by united healthcare?

Yes. United Healthcare covers Strattera. But it is still expensive. about $90.00 for a 30day pack, and $240+ for a 3 month pack. I was diagnosed with ADD. I took chose Strattera because its non-habit forming (supposedly) and its considered a non-stimulant. Unfortunately I am a full time college student and working part-time. This is a Godsend but its so expensive.