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Answer: Strattera is used for the main purpose of treating ADHD; it is not a controlled substance or a stimulant. It may have been shown to treat depression for some people although this is controversial due to the new black box warning for strattera claiming it causes suicidal thoughts in children. my psychiatrist prescribed this to me to treat both adhd and depression. however the only outcome from taking 40mg of this crap for 6 weeks was horrible heartburn. i highly recomment NOT taking this medication for the treatment of depression especially if you are under 18, but i am not a doctor and ultimately the decision is yours, i hope this helps****

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Strattera was initially developed as a drug for depression. It was found to be ineffective for depression and was tested for ADHD. It was proven effective in reducing symptoms and was marketed for this purpose.

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13y ago

While Strattera is sometimes suggested as an ADHD treatment for people with Bipolar disorder (primarily because it is not a stimulant like other currently available meds for ADHD, and thus is supposedly less likely to cause mania) if you look at the flyer that accompanies the pharmaceutical, it mentions watching any patient who has Bipolar Disorder closely for most of the symptoms below. Based on my reading of medication-response patient forums and of medical literature on Strattera (and based on my own experience) I would be very hesitant to try it.

Strattera has been linked by many patients with various effects that appeared and increased over time, including increased suicidal ideation (even among adults, although the FDA has issued warnings against Strattera's use by children and adolescents for this reason). These suicidal thoughts appear random, not necessarily in response to depression or any thought or outer event. Sudden extreme manic episodes and hypomanic episodes have been observed. Emotional lability (sudden swings out of proportion to events), rapid and/or ultra-rapid cycling (extreme mood swings that may occur as often as several times a day), hallucinations, extreme irritability, rages, and violence are possibilities noted in the product flyer even for people who are not bipolar. Sleep disturbances, sexual side effects, and appetite changes are also possible. In my case, I also had galloping paranoia for a few weeks there, and developed wretched self-esteem.

Possible consequences of these effects (gathered from much anecdotal evidence) include: more frequent arguments, altercations, violence (possibly incarcerations), greater likelihood of losing friends, increased likelihood of divorce, and - due to mania, depression, and/or psychotic breaks - job loss, hospitalization or death.

If adding Strattera, maintaining antidepressant and mood stabilizer meds already in place for Bipolar Disorder appears appropriate, since Strattera's negative effects can be much worse without them. Even with an SSRI and a mood stabilizer in place, however, and despite increasing mood stabilizer, suicidality and ultra-rapid cycling may continue to escalate. Doctors also appear to seldom monitor patients closely per the pharmaceutical company's recommendation. If you do decide to try Strattera anyway, be sure a support network of observers is in place, be sure they and the patient take copious notes (say hourly) regarding mood, behavior, and ideation; and insist that frequent appointments with the psychiatrist are lined up from the outset while trying out this drug. Never try Strattera with adolescents or children! They are far more likely to Act on their suicidal thoughts.

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Q: Is Strattera used for bipolar
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What will happen if you are bipolar and you take Strattera?

It might send you into mania since low doses have similarities to amphetamines and cocaine.

Would Strattera help your bipolar?

Answer: I am not a doctor, but my best guess is no. According to the black box warning you should inform your doctor before starting Strattera if you have bipolar disorder. It has been shown to cause suicidal thoughts in children under the age of 18. hope this helps. ***** Answer: I am not a doctor, but my best guess is no. According to the black box warning you should inform your doctor before starting Strattera if you have bipolar disorder. It has been shown to cause suicidal thoughts in children under the age of 18. hope this helps. ***** The movement between highs and lows in bipolar is called cycling. ADHD drugs, stimulants such as Ritalin, and the non-stimulant, Strattera, can make this cycling worse (rapid cycling). If you have bipolar, you should not be taking an ADHD medication unless your doctor feels benefits outweigh the risks. Talk to your doctor to learn more and never be afraid to get a second opinion.

Can a child taking lithium for bipolar take Strattera for add?

Answer: If your child has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder they shouldn't take Strattera; ultimately this is your decision to make with your child's doctor. But keep in mind there is a Black Box Warning about Strattera: It states that you shouldn't take it if you have bipolar disorder or have symptoms such as psychosis or mania. It also says that you should stop taking Straterra if you notice your child has sudden changes in behavior such as irratibility and suicidal thoughts. Because of the way they(the FDA) put it in this warning I wouldn't say that taking both of those is completely harmless. hope this helps*****

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No medication is effective for dyslexia. Strattera can should only be used for ADD or ADHD.

Is Strattera an opioid?

Strattera's a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, used to treat ADD or ADHD... opioids are used mainly for pain relief.

Has the use of Straterra for bipolar disorder been investigated?

My brother has a pretty severe case of bipolar, he started taking strattera and it really didn't have bad effects on him, when he started taking Prozac with it, he had an emotional break down and attempted to stab himself with a pretty thick knife and the blade broke on his chest, he's now in a mental hospital for 3 months I recommend not taking strattera with a bipolar person or depressed person unless it's monitered because my brother isn't the only person I know of who had terrible effects.

How do you say 'bipolar' in Spanish?

Translation of bipolar: The same word is used.

Are SSRI meds appropriate for bipolar disorder?

They may be used in conjunction with mood stabilizing medication, which are used for bipolar disorder, but they are not used alone as a solution to bipolar disorder.

Is Strattera ever used with Alzheimer's drugs?

There have been tests done to see if Strattera (Atomoxetine) interacts with Alzheimer's medications, such as Exelon. However, Strattera is not indicated, or prescribed for, Alzheimer's treatment.

Is it possible that Strattera taken to treat ADHD can worsen manic depression symptoms?

yes, it can trigger bipolar symptoms, as can anti-depressants and other ADHD meds. - especially if u are not on a mood stabilizer

Is there another term for bipolar?

If you are referring to bipolar disorder, it used to be called manic-depression.

What is the best over the counter cough medication used with Strattera?

We checked with the doctor on OTC medicines with Strattera, and we were open for what ever worked best with our children.