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At the moment (2012-2013), Syria is a quite dangerous place because there is a civil war taking place. In Syria, 100 people are dying everyday - that's 3100 people a month. You should note however, that Mexico's war on drugs is still raging on, with some 23 dead per day due to clashes between drug cartels and the Mexican police and army, and between the cartels themselves.

Murder rate in Mexico is 15 intentional homicides per 100,000 people. Syria's murder rate is only 3 homicides per 100,000 people. However, you need to take into account other factors such as population (112 million Mexicans vs. 22.5 million Syrians) and general life quality and well-being.

In general terms, you will be more secure in Syria, but the country laws are much more severe than Mexico's. One instance is alcohol: drinking alcohol in public is unacceptable and sometimes illegal in most places around the country.

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Q: Is Syria more dangerous then Mexico?
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