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TTM or trichotillomania is not automatically associated with Bipolar disorder. It is more associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. However, it can be a comorbid condition that accompanies manic or depressive behavior during bipolar episodes. It is treated as a separate condition, but many treatments for bipolar disorder are similar for TTM so treating one might help treat the other.

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Q: Is TTM associated with bipolar disorder?
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Can you join the army with trichotillomania?

There is NO reason why you can't do ANYTHING with trichotillomania! TTM doesn't limit anything you are able to do. Trichotillomania may be a disorder caused in the brain but it doesn't make anyone with TTM any different than any perfectly healthy person. TTM may be a disorder but it's more like an unbreakable habit. People with TTM are capable of anything!

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The correct term is bipolar disorder. Some people call it a disease though.