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The original is an oil painting, but it is widely known as a print.

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Q: Is Ted Degrazia's Navajo Mother a watercolor or oil painting?
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In Navajo myths who taught them to make sand painting?

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What is the value of a degrazia Navajo mother signed print?

What is the value of DeGrazia print signed Degrazia Arizona of Navajo Mother and Child

What was the purpose of Navajo sand painting?

They are symbolic representations of a story in Navajo mythology. They depict objects like the sacred mountains where the gods live.

What is sand painting A a part of navajo healing ceremony B a rawhide design C a part of a potlatch ceremony D a painting on a clay pot?

A sand painting is a painting on a clay pot. This is known as fine art.

Why do Navajo men not mingle with their mother-in-law's?

I have the same problem SOS

What is the value of a signed De Grazia print of navajo mother?


Who discovered sand art?

Sand painting is used by the Navajo Indians as a ceremonial practice. The sand art is destroyed once the ceremony is completed.

Who are the Navajo men?

I am one of many Navajo men, I work for my family, which involves my biological children. Regardless of the location of my children...far or near. Sometimes I give money to the mother of my son, who is not my wife.

What is the Navajo word for grandfather?

This is one of a category of words that in Navajo can only be in the possessive. e.g my mother, your mother, his mother etc....So "my mother": shimáyour mother: nimáhis. her/it's mother: bimásomeone's mother: amá4thperson(one's mother); hamáour mother: nihimáand many more....The mark over the a make the second syllable high tone (not accent or stress). Tone changes meaning in Navajo.

What language is Navajo?

In English is is called Navajo, In Navajo is it called Diné bizaad. There are over 300,000 Navajo, about 175,000- 200,000 speak Navajo.

How do you say in Navajo?

There are two ways you can say "Navajo" in Navajo. Dinémeans "The People" in Navajo. The Navajo call themselves "Diné". Nabeehó is another way of saying Navajo.

What is the price of Ted De Grazia Navajo bride and groom painting?

There only approx. $12 ea I have bride n groom paintings .thanx n good luck