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Q: Is The structure of a lymph vessel is most similar to arteries or arterioles?
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What blood vessel connects arteries to capillaries?


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What is the vessel that takes blood from the arteries to capillaries?

Arterioles take blood from the arteries to the capillaries. Venules take blood from the capillaries to the veins.

What are the different kinds of blood vessel?

artery, vein, arterioles, venules, capillaries

Thin walled blood vessel connecting arteries and veins?

Arteries enter arterioles enter capillaries enter venules enter veins.

Are The smallest of the arteries are called capillaries?

Blood flows from the heart and aorta into large vessels called arteries, these arteries decrease in size as they move into tissues and are then called arterioles with just a few layers of cells. Arterioles then become capillaries that have a single cell layer. Capillaries then empty into venules, which then enter veins and return blood back to the heart to start the process over again!

What is the first blood vessel of pulmonary circulation?

I believe the first vessel is the pulmonary trunk which brings the deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary arteries and so on....

What type of vessel does a capillary receive blood?

Capillaries send blood to both arteries and veins.

Arterioles flow into what blood vessel?


The smallest blood vessel?

The smallest arteries of the human body are the arterioles, which supply blood into the capillary network from the main arteries (artery-->arteriole-->capillary-->venule-->vein). They hold plasma and filtrates, and are usually only wide enough to hold a single red blood cell at a time (in some cases, they are smaller than a RBC).

Human blood pressure is highest in what vessel?

Blood pressure is highest in the arteries.

The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of a artery?

the walls of lymphatic vessels are similar to those of veins