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Yes, there is. Though, you should know that by using it that it can happen to you. . .anything that can go wrong will. You shouldn'y just go about cursing people just because you don't like them. You never know, they could secretly practice an art themselves. They could be a master of conjuring defensive spirits. You never know. Anyway, the curse is simple. You gather the four elements. (a rock, a bowl of water, a lit candle, a small fold out fan.) (By the way, this curse will take alot of energy.) Know where your directions are. Air=north, earth=south, fire=west, water=east. Position them this way, and sit in the middle. Get a small crystal, and hold it in your hands, and form the images of the people in your mind. Then imagine their images are flowing through your body like energy and int the crystal. once that is done, throw the fan (anywhere away from you), hold the crystal in the candle flame until it is very hot, then thrust it into the water. (it should crack, if not do it again.) Then bury it in the sand for as long as you feel. . .

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Q: Is There a curse where just a lot of bad stuff happen to a group of people?
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