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Q: Is Transplant surgery is worth the expense?
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What former US Vice President is recovering after a heart transplant surgery?

Dick Cheney is recovering from heart transplant surgery.

What happens during a transplant surgery?

The things that can happen during a transplant surgery are that, the patient will be put under general anesthesia and made to sleep. Once the patient is asleep, the surgeon will start the transplant surgery. After the surgery,the patient may experience some discomfort and pains at the area of surgery.

What is a sentence with the word transplant?

The heart transplant was a success.He was looking forward to the transplant.

What are the risks of corneal transplant surgery?

Although corneal transplant surgery is considered low-risk. However, no surgery is completely risk free. Risks for this surgery include eye infection, bleeding, and cataracts.

Which is more risky heart surgery or brain surgery?

Brain surgery is more riskier it is just my hunch my gut feelilngs surgeons can transplant a heart but to date cannot transplant a brain.

Where can one receive a heart transplant surgery?

One can receive a heart transplant surgery at one's local hospital. This kind of surgery should be executed, however, only when the patient in question has a great need for it.

Are umbilical cords used in vein transplant surgery?


How many surgery jobs are there?

open heart surgery organ transplant surgery lung surgery spinal cord surgery neuro sergury micro surgery

Who was the first doctor to perform a cornea transplant?

The first doctor to perform a cornea transplant was Dr. Eduard Zirm. The patient that had this surgery was Alois Gloger. The surgery was performed on December 7th 1905.

What hallux valgus surgery includes a tendon transplant?

Joplin procedure

Does a bone marrow transplant hurt?

it hurts extremely bad after the surgery.

Under what circumstances is transplant surgery performed?

for diseases or conditions that have not improved with other medical treatments and have led to organ failure or injury. Transplant surgery is generally reserved for people with end-stage disease