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No. But avoiding unnecessary duplication of data does.

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Q: Is Use of pointers in function saves the memory space?
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What are the advantages of a pointer variable?

Arrays takes consecutive memory space. So, if you have 5 consecutive memory blocks free which is consecutive, an error will occur while creating an array which takes more than 5 blocks of memory. But if you use pointer, then it don't need consecutive memory blocks all the elements can be placed anywhere in memory.

Can you use pointers in c language?

Pointers in C allow you to transfer references data around without transferring the data itself. Think of it like a parcel. Instead of sending the entire package which might cost a lot in postage, you send a slip of paper with the location of the package and the other person goes and collects it from that location. The "cost" of sending the slip of paper is comparable to the memory and time "cost" of transferring data in a program. To take the analogy further, you can send slips of paper to lots of people who can all go and reference the same package, which saves you making copies of the package which would take up more space (memory).

What is pointer and pointer types and uses of pointer and the meaning of pointer?

The main advantages of using pointers are 1.) Function cannot return more than one value. But when the same function can modify many pointer variables and function as if it is returning more than one variable. 2.) In the case of arrays, we can decide the size of the array at runtime by allocating the necessary space. C has a minimum number of fundamental data types - a single character, a single integer or float, and a few derived data types such as a structure, an enumerated list, and an array. If you want to do much more than that, you make use of pointers. Pointers allow you to dynamically request memory to store off information for use later. They allow you to create linked lists and other algorithmically oriented data structures.

What is the maximum depth of recursive calls a function may make?

Recursive function call depend your primary memory space because the recursive call store in stack and stack based on memory.

Why does not use pointer in java?

You do not use pointers in Java because the language designers decided to abstract memory management to a higher level in Java than in C. The reason for this is that it is easy to make mistakes using pointers and other lower level memory management techniques. These mistakes can lead to bugs. hard to read code, memory leaks that waste system resources, and security issues. Instead for the most part Java takes care of memory management for the user who can instead specify behavior though the object oriented techniques that are safer and easier to understand. The downside is that the programmers lose some control and flexibility in using memory. Also, programs using Java take a small performance hit in some cases because of the extra work Java has to do to manage memory itself. They are, however in Java they are called references.

Related questions

What are the advantages of a pointer variable?

Arrays takes consecutive memory space. So, if you have 5 consecutive memory blocks free which is consecutive, an error will occur while creating an array which takes more than 5 blocks of memory. But if you use pointer, then it don't need consecutive memory blocks all the elements can be placed anywhere in memory.

Can you use pointers in c language?

Pointers in C allow you to transfer references data around without transferring the data itself. Think of it like a parcel. Instead of sending the entire package which might cost a lot in postage, you send a slip of paper with the location of the package and the other person goes and collects it from that location. The "cost" of sending the slip of paper is comparable to the memory and time "cost" of transferring data in a program. To take the analogy further, you can send slips of paper to lots of people who can all go and reference the same package, which saves you making copies of the package which would take up more space (memory).

How do you remove space by using the pointers?

Shake the monitor so that the space disappears

What is pointer and pointer types and uses of pointer and the meaning of pointer?

The main advantages of using pointers are 1.) Function cannot return more than one value. But when the same function can modify many pointer variables and function as if it is returning more than one variable. 2.) In the case of arrays, we can decide the size of the array at runtime by allocating the necessary space. C has a minimum number of fundamental data types - a single character, a single integer or float, and a few derived data types such as a structure, an enumerated list, and an array. If you want to do much more than that, you make use of pointers. Pointers allow you to dynamically request memory to store off information for use later. They allow you to create linked lists and other algorithmically oriented data structures.

What is the maximum depth of recursive calls a function may make?

Recursive function call depend your primary memory space because the recursive call store in stack and stack based on memory.

Where is Heap located?

A Heap data structure can be located in the computer's memory, either on the stack or heap memory. The Heap memory is a region of a computer's memory space where dynamic memory allocation happens during a program's execution. It is used to store global variables, function pointers, and objects created using dynamic memory allocation.

How can a function return multiple values in plsql?

You cannot return multiple values from a function. A function returns one or no values. That is the definition of a function. That said, you could have that one value be a pointer to a struct, or it could be a struct itself, and that struct could contain multiple values. You can also pass the function pointers to items in the caller's address space that the function could modify.

Why does not use pointer in java?

You do not use pointers in Java because the language designers decided to abstract memory management to a higher level in Java than in C. The reason for this is that it is easy to make mistakes using pointers and other lower level memory management techniques. These mistakes can lead to bugs. hard to read code, memory leaks that waste system resources, and security issues. Instead for the most part Java takes care of memory management for the user who can instead specify behavior though the object oriented techniques that are safer and easier to understand. The downside is that the programmers lose some control and flexibility in using memory. Also, programs using Java take a small performance hit in some cases because of the extra work Java has to do to manage memory itself. They are, however in Java they are called references.

What is the calloc function in C programming?

calloc is memory allocation function that is normally used for requesting memory space at run time 4 storing data types such as arrays and structures. calloc allocates multiple blocks of storage, each of the same size and then sets all bytes to zero, and then returns a pointer to the memory.

What is tiny and small memory?

In x86 family of CPUs, there are six memory models. Memory is managed in "chunks" (segment or page) of 64K words. To find a specific location, the CPU needs to know the segment it is in and how far down (the offset) it is from the beginning of the segment. In addition, the x86 CPUs support three types of pointers: * near pointers access data in the specified segment * far pointers can access data within a 1MB address space * huge pointers are a type of far pointer, but with specialized behavior So applications written for the x86 world had to specify a type of memory model which detailed how pointers work. Generally speaking, the rules are: If code is under 64KB... and data is under 64KB... use Tiny or Small model If code is over 64KB... and data is under 64KB... use Medium model If code is under 64KB... and data is over 64KB... use Compact model If code is over 64KB... and data is over 64KB... use Large model

Explain the advantage of using pointer?

When you use pointers you do not create multiple copies of the same data, but you reference everything to a set of original data. It takes much less space to store a cell address in memory than to make a copy of it.

How can you play game on psp withuot a memory stick?

In general, PSP games do not 'need' a memory stick for you to be able to play them, but they do need it to store saved game data as the PSP itself has no inbuilt space for that function.