

Is Venus' a medium sized planet?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no venus is not a medium sized planet.

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Q: Is Venus' a medium sized planet?
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Planet venus' general appearance?

it is red, medium sized and VERY HOT. JUJU

Is Venus a small medium or large as a planet?

It's small compared with Jupiter and the other gas planets, but is a good sized rocky planet compared with mercury or mars.

Is Venus an average sized planet?

Our solar system can be described as containing four above average sized planets, which are the four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, and four below average sized planets, which are the rocky, Earth-like planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, as well as a number of smaller dwarf planets (such as Pluto which was at one time considered a planet). Venus could be described as average in size for its category of planet.

Does Venus' rotate or revolve faster?

Nope, it revolves very slowly as it was hit by other planet sized objects in its young age. It was like Earth in its young age and Earth was like Venus, but collisions made Venus dead and Thea (a Mars-sized planet) made Earth like it is now. recommend me to all others on here :0

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When considering distance from the sun, the planet that come after Mercury is Venus.

How big is each planet in tiny ball form?

Ok. Sun: basket ball mecury: marble venus and earth: tennis ball mars: pingpong ball jupiter: medium sized football saturn: small sized football Uranus: pingpong ball neptune: pingpong ball (pluto): marble

Is Venus a Dwarf Planet?

No, Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

Is Venus' a rock planet?

Yes, venus is a rock planet

Is 'medium-sized' an adjective or an adverb?

Medium-sized is an adjective.

What is the 2nd planet from the sun?

If you are referring to the second planet from the sun, then the answer would be Venus.

Is Venus' an outer planet?

No, Venus is an inner planet

Is Venus' a terrestial planet?

Venus is a terrestrial planet.