

Is Venus hotter or colder than Mars?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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definitely hotter

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Q: Is Venus hotter or colder than Mars?
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Why Venus hotter than Mars?

Venus is hotter than Mars because Venus is closer to the Sun.

Why is it hotter on Venus than on Mars?

because venus is closer to the sun then mars

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Is venus warmer then earth?

Earth is colder than Venus. This is because Venus is much closer to the sun than Earth is.

Why is Neptune much colder than mars?

Temperature relies on distance from the Sun. In order the planets are ... Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto So Mercury is hottest as it is closest to the Sun Mars is closer than Neptune, so is hotter. So Neptune is colder.

Is venus warmer or colder than earth?

Venus is much hotter than Earth. Temperatures average about 850 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is Venus colder than Neptune?

No. Venus is much hotter than Neptune. It is the hottest planet in the solar system. Neptune is the coldest.

Why doesn't venus have seasons like earth and mars do?

because it is a whole lot hotter than mars and earth

Why is venus hotter then mars?

The reason Venus is hotter than Mars is because venus was made out of materisl and when the material blew up it rolled to the sun and it blew up and it blew up closer to the sun being the second planet of the sun but Mars is the forth planet from the sun.

Does the sun give heat to every planet?

Yes it does but the planets closer to the sun get more heat and the planets that are farther away get less heat. That is why Venus is hotter than our Earth and Mars is colder.

How far is mars from the sun is it hotter or colder than the sun?

Mars , the fourth planet from the sun , is 141,600,000 miles away from the sun and Mars , being a planet , is significantly cooler than the sun .

Is Water Hotter Than Venus?

No! The Hottest Water On Earth is 407 celsius and Venus Is Hotter Than That! You Can't Get Water Hotter Than Venus!