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No, vicodin is tylenol and hydrocodone.. tylenol (acetaminophen) is excreted through the liver, not the kidneys. And opiods like hydrocodone are much better on the kidneys than NSAIDS like ibuprofen, advil, etc

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Q: Is Vicodin bad for kidneys
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Can you od on Vicodin?

Yes, for a couple of reasons. Vicodin is a compound of hydrocodone, which is a synthetic narcotic, and this is what you might normally overdose on. But the other drug in Vicodin is Tylenol, acetaminophen, the non-prescription pain killer. Tylenol itself is somewhat toxic, and if you take too much for too long, it can destroy your kidneys or liver.

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Can taking vicodin also damage your kidneys?

Vicodin is hydrocodone and Tylenol (=acetaminophen). Too much acetaminophen can cause kidney problems as well as liver problems. The liver problems caused by excessive use of aceta.. are well publicized; the possible damage to the kidneys from excessive use of aceta... is not well publicized BUT is a real risk. I don't believe hydrocodone causes problems to your liver or your kidneys, but I'm not absolutely sure. (Note: I have a moderate amount of knowledge about drugs, their ingredients and their side effects, interactions etc. )