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I believe it is vodka.

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Q: Is Vodka or Tea the national drink of Russia?
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What did judy garland drink?

Her favorite drink was black tea and vodka

What do people in Sweden drink?

Water/milk or tea/coffee. Or vodka.

What do they drink at Chinese New Year?

They would drink tea hi! They would drink tea hi!

How do you make the huckleberry tea drink from outback?

Ingredients: Firefly sweet tea vodka Lemonade Huckleberry syrup

Can you mix sweet tea and vodka?

Yes. Or you could purchase an actual Sweet Tea Vodka such as Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, Carolina Sweet Tea Vodka, or Hound Dog Sweet Tea Vodka.

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What is huckleberry sweet tea vodka?

There are 2 versions of this Drink, one from Outback and the other from Buffalo Wild Wings. Outback: Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka Lemonade Huckleberry syrup Buffalo Wild Wings Jeremiah Weed Sweet Tea Vodka Patron Tequila Lemonade Huckleberry Syrup

What countries national drink is tea?

i heard that people in england drink alot of tea..19% of british women prefer to drink tea rather than sex

What beverages do they drink in Czech Republic?

Coffee, tea, beer, vodka, most all the same things we drink in North America can be found in Czechoslovakia.

Whats the national drink of Scotland?

The national drink of Scotland is Scotch whisky. It is made from malted barley and aged in oak barrels, giving it a distinct smoky and rich flavor. Scotches are classified by region and production methods, making it a beloved and diverse spirit.

What is the best mix drink that includes Diddy's new vodka called Ciroc I already drink it straight so please if you have some receipes please share?

You can make screwdrivers (orange juice and vodka), cranberry juice and Ciroc vodka, long island ice tea i suggest you look up different kinds of vodka mixed drinks, or any alocoholic drinks that can be made with vodka cause Ciroc is vodka...jessica s

What is national drink of England?

Scrumpy, the special English ale or beer, and i'm not sure but I think also an ice cream drink called the 99.