

Best Answer

Weed is better for your body than alcohol for a few reasons.

  1. You won't throw up when you're high.
  2. You won't have a hangover.
  3. It feels better.
  4. You won't feel the need to do damaging things.
  5. It does less damage to your body.
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Q: Is Weed better than alcohol
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What is more dangerous alcohol or weed?

well it is a proven fact that weed is better than alcohol

Is smoking tie weed bad for you?

its better than drinking alcohol i think.

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What Weed is actually good for you?

well none of it is ACTUALLY good for you. BUT weed is way healthier for you than tobbacco and alcohol. the problem is that weed is a gateway drug which causes you to want to try more drugs. but the answer to your question is there isn't any weed that's healthy but its healthier than tobbacco and alcohol

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Does drinking hurt you more than smoking weed?

ya. drinking is bad. smoke weed. Answer Drinking alcohol damages more parts of you body then marijuana but weed has the same addictive level of alcohol. Best is to never use it.

Does weed and alcohol have the same effect when driving?

No, weed doesn't impair your ability to drive like alcohol does.

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Does smoking have alcohol in it?

No but weed does

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Is ethyl alcohol better antibacterial than isopropyl alcohol?

iso-propyl alcohol

What is weed excatly?

weed is a herb and many people think its healthyer than ciggarets but this could be a fact IF YOU SMOKE WEED YOU WILL GET HIGH! >.< AND IT FEELS GOOD could be better than sex :D