

Is World of Warcraft appropriate

Updated: 10/5/2023
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12y ago

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Well that's kinda hard to answer, because i don't know what your definition of appropriate is, but its not a bad game, it is optional to buy alcahol, you hit people with swords, bows, maces, etc. but there isn't any blood, you might run across a few creeps in the game who thinks its funny to strip there character to underwear and dance, but that's about as bad as it gets. I play the game and i personally don't have any problems with it, and my parents will rarely get me a rated T game so i think WoW is appropriate by my standards. You can also chat in the game, either typing or using a mic. but i think there are parental controls as to whether or not you can chat in the game, and also how much you can play during the game. Hope that helped!

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12y ago
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12y ago

I am 14, and i like World of Warcraft. I think it is totally appropriate for a 13 year old. maybe not for a 10 or 11 year old, but if someone's 13 it is fine. there is no blood, and the only thing people may find to be inappropriate is that if you go to a pub you have the option to buy alcohol. you occasionally hit things with swords, shoot arrows, and you can punch, but that's the only violence. when you die you follow a ghost to your body and are reborn. there is no swearing in it, and if someone swears in chat mode they can be banned from warcraft, so they don't. Chat mode can be turned on and off in parental controls as well. most people say warcraft is very addicting. actually that is only half true. i have friends that play, and 3 of my friends are addicted. they all have never done sports, and don't have anything better to do. all of my other friends that play (10 or so) are not addicted because they (including myself) do sports and hang around outside. we occasionally play on weekend nights for an hour or so, but frankly in the weekdays even IF we wanted to we have better things to do, sports HW hang out etc. so we don't. I think it is pretty educational too because it teaches a lot about mythology (dragons and dungeons and etc.) and is not as bad as people say. some time in 06 or 07 stereotypes starting developing that said it was insanely addictive and violent. my parents don't like violent games, and don;'t let me get them. however they let me get world of warcraft. and honestly, do you know how many people play world of warcraft? I'm guessing 20-30 million. and how many stories are there of addicts? definitely not more than 100. 100 people out of 20+ million people. I bet most of the people with stereotypes against it have barely even heard of it, let alone PLAYED it. I really hope this helps. thanks, Zack

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14y ago

Yes i think it is a safe game as well as it has a lot of fun to enjoy with it. It is not addictive if your child only plays it for 2-3 hours a day (can vary).

My son plays and he is the same if not better than he used to be, he used to be sad and un happy now he enjoys life because he can enjoy playing with his friends online.

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i played it when i was 9 i dont see why not

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