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too thick

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Q: Is a 4.7 endometrial thickness normal for a menopausal woman at age 45?
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What is normal endometrial thickness of postmenopausal woman?

About 3mm thickness before sloughing off.

Is an endometrial thickness of 7mm normal?

Endometrial thickness usually varies somewhat, depending upon the point in a woman's menstrual cycle. Thickness is influenced by hormones, age and lifestyle, as well as genetics, and only a physician who is familiar with you and your personal health and history can appropriately diagnose if a thickness of 4.8mm is currently appropriate for you. Depending upon many factors, 4.8mm may be entirely appropriate. Please seek the help of a caring and knowledgeable specialist who is open to answering your questions.

What happens after endometrial biopsies?

The woman can resume normal activities right away

What are normal menopausal FSH and LH levels?

For a premenopausal woman, normal values range from 4-30 U/L or 5-20 micro-international units per milliliter. In a pregnant woman, FSH levels are too low to measure. After menopause, normal values range from 40-250 U/L

Clinical correlation is suggested for the 6mm thickness of endometrium?

If you're post-menopausal, a 6mm thickness of endometrium is abnormal. If you're a young woman still menstruating, it's normal. Clinical correlation means that the health care provider who ordered the ultrasound has to take into account whether the finding is meaningful for that particular patient, given the patient's history and physical exam.

What does it mean if an estrogen level is 30?

An estrogen level at 30 means that the woman is menopausal. Estrogen levels at 30 or below refer to a woman in her menopausal stage.

What is post menopausal?

Menopause is a condition that occurs at the end of a woman's reproductive cycle. It is generally determined that when a woman has reached middle age and her monthly menstrual cycle has stopped for at least 12 months in a row, that she is menopausal. Once menopause has been established, she will be considered Post Menopausal.

What are the main attitude of menopausal child?

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when she stops menstruating. This usually occurs sometime around the age of 50. No children are menopausal.

What hormone builds up the endometrial tissue lining in a woman's uterus?


Can a woman live without having her period?

All post-menopausal women not on HRT do.

Can Tamoxifen increase the risk for cancer?

It increases a woman's chance of developing endometrial cancer

What is endometrial stripe?

The endometrial stripe is composed of the lining of the uterus, also known as the endometrium. When a woman ovulates, the endometrial stripe thickens as the uterus prepares itself for the arrival of a fertilized egg. The stripe allows the right environment for the fetus to grow and become viable. Abnormalities in the endometrial stripe can also indicate the beginning signs of uterine cancer.