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About 3mm thickness before sloughing off.

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Q: What is normal endometrial thickness of postmenopausal woman?
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Is a 4.7 endometrial thickness normal for a menopausal woman at age 45?

too thick

Is an endometrial thickness of 7mm normal?

Endometrial thickness usually varies somewhat, depending upon the point in a woman's menstrual cycle. Thickness is influenced by hormones, age and lifestyle, as well as genetics, and only a physician who is familiar with you and your personal health and history can appropriately diagnose if a thickness of 4.8mm is currently appropriate for you. Depending upon many factors, 4.8mm may be entirely appropriate. Please seek the help of a caring and knowledgeable specialist who is open to answering your questions.

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The woman can resume normal activities right away

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How does menopause affect incontinence?

The absence of estrogen in the postmenopausal woman can cause the bladder to drop, or prolapse.

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What is ideal weight for postmenopausal woman 58 years old 5'4 inches?

Any weight you feel good at

Can Tamoxifen increase the risk for cancer?

It increases a woman's chance of developing endometrial cancer

What is endometrial stripe?

The endometrial stripe is composed of the lining of the uterus, also known as the endometrium. When a woman ovulates, the endometrial stripe thickens as the uterus prepares itself for the arrival of a fertilized egg. The stripe allows the right environment for the fetus to grow and become viable. Abnormalities in the endometrial stripe can also indicate the beginning signs of uterine cancer.

How does postmenopausal estrogen use affect risk of ovarian cancer?

The use of postmenopausal estrogen supplementation for 10 years or more may double a woman's risk of ovarian cancer. Short-term use does not seem to alter one's risk factor.

What is the purpose of novasure endometrial ablation?

The purpose of a NovasSure endometrial ablation is to reduce the heaviness of a woman's periods. The method is to use electrical energy to destroy the womb lining. NovaSure is a brand name, and there are other providers and methods of ablations.