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The African bush elephant is noticeably taller than an Asian elephant.

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Q: Is a African Elephant the same height as a Asian Elephant?
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What is bigger the African or the Asian lelephant?

The African bush elephant is the largest elephant species, with males reaching nearly eleven feet tall and weighing to six tons or more. The Asian elephant and African forest elephant are roughly the same size, to nine feet or more in height, and up to four tons.

Which is bigger an African or a asain elephant?

There are three species of elephant, the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant . The biggest noticeable difference is that African elephants have much bigger ears than there Indian counterparts.

What is the same as an elephant?

There are 3 elephant species in the genus loxodonta(African Elephant): African Elephant, African Bush Elephant, and African Forest ElephantThere is only 1 elephant species in the genus Elephas maximus (Asian Elephant), but it can be divided into 4 sub-species.

How tall was the largest African elephant?

The largest African Elephant was a bull elephant weighing 10 tonnes, with a shoulder height og 4 meters. The largest African Elephant was a bull elephant weighing 10 tonnes, with a shoulder height of 4 meters.

What is the difference of a Indian elephant and an Asian elephant?

There is no difference The Asian and Indian elephant is the same species!!

What is a average weight of an elephant?

The Average Asian elephant weighs anywhere between 2.7 tonnes to 4.5 tonnes. Full grown adult tuskers are known to weigh in the range of 4.5 tonnes. The Average African elephant weighs 2.7 to 6 tonnes. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.

What is bull elephant?

Male African elephants stand at around 10 to 13 feet tall at their shoulder. Female African elephants stand at around 7.2 to 8.5 feet tall at their shoulder. The Average African elephant weighs 2.7 to 6 tonnes. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.

Is the Asian or Asian elephant bigger?

It's the other way around. African elephants have bigger ears. The theory is that since elephants can't sweat, they use their ears - which are full of blood vessels close to the surface - to cool themselves down with. And as Africa is generally hotter than Asia, African elephants need bigger ears to keep from overheating. Also. African elephants generally live in the open, while Asian elephants spend more time in the woods. Bigger ears would get quite worn and torn if they kept brushing up against trees and branches all the time.

What is the average mass of an adult elephant in kg?

The Average Asian elephant weighs anywhere between 2.7 tonnes to 4.5 tonnes. Full grown adult tuskers are known to weigh in the range of 4.5 tonnes. The Average African elephant weighs 2.7 to 6 tonnes. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.

How big is the biggest elephant in the world?

Male African elephants stand at around 10 to 13 feet tall at their shoulder. Female African elephants stand at around 7.2 to 8.5 feet tall at their shoulder. The Average African elephant weighs 2.7 to 6 tonnes. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.

How tall African bull elephant be?

Male African elephants stand at around 10 to 13 feet tall at their shoulder. Female African elephants stand at around 7.2 to 8.5 feet tall at their shoulder. Their Asian counterparts are around 1 - 2 feet shorter than them and weigh a few thousand pounds lesser than them. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.

How tall is a female African elephant?

Male African elephants stand at around 10 to 13 feet tall at their shoulder. Female African elephants stand at around 7.2 to 8.5 feet tall at their shoulder. The Average African elephant weighs 2.7 to 6 tonnes. Though the African females are known to weigh approximately the same as their Asian counterparts, African Bulls are known to be much heavier than their Asian brothers.